Akafuji Koi Food
Technical Color Booster Koi food
Healthy Koi food to protect and support Liver
Super Premium high grade food with Probiotics
Natural ingredients with high grade fish meal
Floating / Sinking
4 kinds of color enhancer: “Paprika Extract”, “Spirulina”, “Corn Extract” and “Natural Astaxanthin” (Phaffia Yeast) help to boost up the red pigment.
Fruit Polyphenol in the koi food effectively helps to protect and support the liver functions. With good liver function, the koi will stay healthy conditions.
Contains β-Glucan (extract from black yeast) and Plant Lactobacillus (inactive bacteria) to stimulate the immune system healthily.
Contains Heat Resistance Vitamin C prevent the white body changing to yellow skin.
Contain Probiotic which enable Koi absorb good nutrition; hi- digestion and reduce ammonia in water
Keep maintain water conditions